/ Services
Star Service is committed to helping our customers improve energy efficiency, reduce the amount of natural resources consumed and lower their carbon footprint.
As part of that commitment, all existing customers may get a free energy usage assessment. This will allow you to determine how your facility compares to similar types of facilities in your region and provides information on how much energy can be saved and the potential costs associated with the work required to accomplish the energy savings. In many cases, the solution is simply to recommission the equipment you have. The types of Energy Management Services we provide include:
- Energy Audits and Surveys
- Energy Retrofits and Upgrades
- Managed Energy Services – No Risk, Guaranteed Savings. Self-Fund Improvements

Why use Star Service to help you reduce your energy usage and costs?
In general, a typical, well-operated commercial office building's or school’s energy consumption can be broken down equally into three areas:
1/3 of energy use – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
1/3 of energy use – Lighting
1/3 of energy use – Plug Load (computers, vending machines, space heaters, etc.)
In almost every case, very high energy costs are not due to leaving lights on too long or excessive plug load. The problem is typically with HVAC systems. When not maintained and managed properly, HVAC systems can triple energy costs. Problems with outside air control, excessive run-time, dirty coils, sensors not calibrated properly, simultaneous heating and cooling, and many other things can lead to discomfort, high humidity, property damage, mold and very high utility costs.
Star Service has maintained, managed and designed HVAC systems and Automation and Control Systems for over 60 years. There is no one better in determining why your energy costs are high and what the most economical way is to solve the problem.
In addition, we can meter your facility real-time, day and night, to find out exactly what systems are causing your high energy usage. We have highly experience technicians and engineers who can locate and solve the problem. These are capabilities many energy auditing companies just do not have. Along with our 60 years of experience managing the systems that account for most of your energy use, we can provide you the very best analysis and recommendations available.
We will not push to replace existing systems unless there is a very good reason. We are experts at refurbishing systems and making what you have more energy efficient at a fraction of the cost of replacing systems – and we can guarantee savings and costs to you.
Not only could you see significant savings in your energy costs, but you may also see significant savings in your capital expenditures. You may learn that a very costly, time consuming project of replacing your HVAC system might not be necessary.
If the opportunity arises to upgrade your lighting system, we have the expertise and partners to help, and you can be certain we will find the best solution at the best price.