/ Maintenance
EPA Certified Technicians
The EPA has the ability to fine owners up to $37,500 a day for non-compliance with refrigerant management laws. Refrigerant management is a complex process that requires the proper record keeping and checks and balances to be in place and monitored.
All technicians must be EPA certified to recover refrigerant.
Star Service wants to ensure our customers are in full compliance with Section 608 of the Clean Air Act Amendments and the requirements of 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F.

Section 608 of the Clean Air Act Amendments and the requirements of 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F, include the following provisions:
- Owners or operators of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment with refrigerant charges greater than 50 pounds are required to repair leaks within 30 days when those leaks result in the loss of more than a certain percentage of the equipment's refrigerant charge over a year.
- Owners or operators of appliances that contain 50 or more pounds of refrigerant must keep servicing records documenting the date and type of service, as well as the quantity of refrigerant added.
- Enforcement – The EPA is performing random inspections, responding to tips, and pursuing potential cases against violators. Under the Act, the EPA is authorized to assess fines of up to $37,500 per day for any violation of these regulations.
/ Star Service
Compliance Manager on Staff
EPA certification does not ensure technicians properly account for refrigerant use. It is a minimum requirement. You cannot provide one-time training on refrigerant management procedures and assume EPA requirements will be met in future years. Every bit of refrigerant purchased must be accounted for and be reconciled against reported refrigeration losses and known refrigerant capacities of systems being worked on. Star Service has an in-house Certified Refrigerant Compliance Manager on Staff that will:
- Assume the required role as the facility’s regulatory representative to the EPA for refrigerant compliance
- Conduct periodic audits of refrigerant records to review compliance
- Establish and update organizational compliance programs
- Manage the refrigerant inventory and oversee the recordkeeping and reporting of all ozone-depleting substances and other refrigerants
- Coordinate ongoing training for team members and contractors involved in repair, recovery, or recycling of refrigerant
- Avoid harmful release of CFC and HCFC emissions
- Transform refrigerant leak mitigation into leak prevention
Star Service also has an established Refrigerant Management Program in place which uses specialized software through a proprietary website www.trackrefrigerant.com, created to:
- Ensure our customers are in full compliance with Section 608 of the Clean Air Act Amendments and the requirements of 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F
- Maximize the recycling and minimize the release of ozone depleting substances to the ambient air from the servicing, repairing, maintaining, and disposing of refrigeration appliances
- Utilize certified technicians and managers for the tracking, servicing, repairing, maintaining, and disposing of refrigeration appliances
- Maintain proper records of refrigerant consumption, technician training, and recycling and recovery equipment certification
- Ensure proper repairs are made for units with significant leak rates
To achieve the objectives stated above, Star Service requires all team members, whose job duties require the handling, ordering, repairing, servicing, maintaining, or disposing of refrigerant or refrigeration appliances to review and comply with this written program.