/ Indoor Air Quality
COVID-19 Mitigation
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have worked hand in hand with our clients to develop customized response plans to optimize the safety of their buildings, including operational changes and system upgrades/enhancements when appropriate.
- CDC guidelines indicate transmission of the virus may include airborne aerosolized particles.
- ASHRAE released a position document detailing steps building owners can utilize to reduce the risk of viral transmission of COVID-19.
- We are poised to evaluate your current HVAC systems and provide detailed strategies to protect your customers and your employees.
- No method is foolproof and the guidelines are constantly evolving.
- We will work to provide you with the most up-to-date and environmentally sound HVAC support strategies for your specific system.
For a complete description of the maintenance programs we offer, please refer to our MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS.
For a more complete list of the types of systems we service, please refer to SYSTEMS.